Easy and productive
The widely-endorsed web-app is an innovative use of technology to provide a practical one-stop solution that helps courses easily assess and record their practices, find ideas and guidance for improvement, and then promote their value to nature, resources and community.
At the same time, OnCourse provides golf with a collective system to build an expansive library of shared examples and anonymous data – giving the sport a considerable new bank of evidence to strengthen golf’s image and influence.
New Value
People using the previous version of OnCourse will discover major improvements including an easier, faster interface and many new features to find and share ideas, track progress, store data and highlights, and create an annual report and webpages. And while still the pathway to take the optional step of becoming credibly certified by GEO, OnCourse has been transformed into a valuable tool providing business benefits every year for all types and sizes of facilities, all over the world.
GEO’s Richard Allison has been working with the clubs testing the new version, “The feedback we have been getting most often is that it is much easier to use, it gives clubs peace of mind to know that they are ticking all the right boxes for sustainability, and that having everything together in one app makes life easier. We are really impressed and inspired by all the best practices and highlights we see coming through,” he said
Howard Craft, Club and Sustainability Manager at Burhill Golf and Leisure in England: “The new version is quick to use and represents great value for any course interested in finding efficiencies and getting more recognition for its work for the environment and community.”

Bjarni Hannesson, Course Manager at Golfklúbburrinn Keilir in Iceland: “OnCourse does a lot. Our team learned a huge amount through the self-assessments, data and document gathering, and the highlights shared by other clubs. It also gave us the story, confidence and the tools to tell our golfers and community more about what we are doing.”
For Golf
Over recent years, many industry bodies have supported the development of the credible and practical sustainability system for golf which includes OnCourse®, notably The R&A, European Tour, Ryder Cup Europe, Textron Golf, Toro Foundation, John Deere and Vidauban Foundation.
Now, with additional benefits provided, and after much consultation with clubs and industry leaders, an annual subscription will be introduced in 2018 to contribute to further development of the platform and other not-for-profit work to support and reward sustainability in golf. The regular subscription will be €300/£300/$350 and anyone registered before the end of 2017 will receive 25% off their 2018 subscription.
OnCourse has already been adopted by a growing number of national golf associations in recognition of the support the platform offers to member clubs, as well as the ability to more strongly and credibly represent the overall social and environmental contribution of the sport. As a result, in some countries such as Sweden and Portugal, OnCourse is being subsidised by the National Golf Federations, and in the Netherlands the transition to the upgraded version is being carefully supported in the coming months.
Speaking on behalf of the whole team at GEO, the international not-for-profit behind the development and management of OnCourse, Jonathan Smith said “We are really pleased to be able to invite golf club and course managers to find out more and get OnCourse. In addition to the direct benefits for your golf facility, your leadership in sustainability will connect with many others – making a meaningful contribution to golf’s image and reputation, as well as generating a significant positive impact in fostering nature, conserving resources and strengthening communities around the world.”
Find out more or get started at getoncourse.golf
For inquiries, please contact GEO, info@golfenvironment.org, +44 162 0895 10