Otterbine has been chosen again by Northamptonshire County Golf Club to maintain its irrigation reservoir.
Otterbine has been impressing the Open Regional Qualifying club in the Midlands with its ability to keep 3.5 million gallons of water clean, clear and heathy for 15 years, so when the club’s high volume 5hp surface spray aerator reached the end of its life, it was soon replaced like-for-like.
Rob Hay, course manager, says: “The reservoir was built 18 years ago after a couple of particularly hot summers to take us off the mains for irrigation. The reservoir doesn’t have a particularly large surface area, but it is very, very deep, and the greenkeeping team at the time soon noticed the water quality was fast degrading and a build-up of algae was forming.
“Otterbine was recommended by the club’s irrigation contractor, Stuart Sanders of SJS Irrigation, and from the moment it was installed it has delivered on its promise to manage the reservoir’s severe aquatic environment. Its power and longevity are exemplary. The contractor advised never turning the aerator off, so it wasn’t, and it has performed consistently for 15 non-stop years!”
This is particularly impressive considering the quantity of water it’s dealing with and the fact that the club has a standard usage cycle of 80,000 litres of water a night. Continuing the good work is another high volume 5hp Otterbine aerator from distributor Reesink Turfcare.
Rob continues: “We kept with what we knew and what we could rely on. Seeing the ripples of water from the new aerator reach all the way to the edge of the reservoir was a good feeling as it meant it was doing what it should, and normal service had resumed.”
The reason for Otterbine’s longevity comes down to being manufactured from highly durable, corrosion-resistant oil-cooled 18 gauge/316 grade stainless steel. Its aerator float has been manufactured from rugged closed cell, foam-filled polyethylene which means it manages effluent or high nutrient water with ease, and its efficiency can be attributed to the precision pitched stainless steel impeller that’s virtually indestructible.
Peter Newton from Reesink says Otterbine is the perfect choice for customers looking for a degree of water self-sufficiency: “Otterbine’s high volume range is outstanding at keeping large bodies of water healthy and usable and we’re seeing excellent results from golf clubs who want to come off the mains and recycle or reuse water.
“Holding good quality water on site for irrigation is something Northamptonshire County Golf Club has been doing for years with no issues, in fact it’s brought huge benefits in terms of cost savings and the club’s sustainability.”
Reesink Turfcare is the exclusive distributor in the UK and Ireland for Otterbine water management systems for the golf and groundscare sectors. It is based at 1 Station Road, St Neots PE19 1QH. Call 01480 226800, email or visit
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Northamptonshire County Golf Club