Robert Laycock became the new “Keeper of the Register” at the second meeting of members of the Register of Independent Professional Turfgrass Agronomists (RIPTA) in January. He will act as contact person for RIPTA during 2003.
RIPTA’s web site,, was launched during 2002 and contains information about the Register and its aims. Links to the web sites of members and also to those of some of the associations who support the Register can also be viewed.
Since its inception, the Register has been administered by Jeff Perris, Director of Advisory & Consultancy Services at STRI. Members present at the meeting thanked Jeff for the excellent work he had done in getting the Register off the ground.
The Register of Independent Professional Turfgrass Agronomists comprises agronomists who fulfil specified criteria of independence, experience and academic excellence. They advise sports turf clients of all types in the UK and abroad. Agronomists who fulfil the requirements for membership are encouraged to apply to be added to the list.
The launch of RIPTA in January 2002 was enthusiastically welcomed by the main sporting bodies in the UK and Ireland, including the R&A, Football League, England & Wales Cricket Board, Jockey Club, English Golf Union and The Golfing Union of Ireland.
RIPTA is a list of seventeen independent turfgrass agronomists:
Alistair Beggs
Emma Beggs
Andy Cole
Eddie Connaughton
John Hacker
Mike Harbridge
Steve Isaac
Gordon Jaaback
Robert Laycock
Tim Lodge
Ian McClements
Stuart Ormondroyd
Jeff Perris
George Shiels
David Stansfield
Neil Squires
Peter Winter
For further information contact: Robert Laycock, Dial Cottage, North End, Seaton Ross, York YO42 4LX. Tel: 01759 318680