Global Edition

Richie Ramsay heads list of R&A Bursars

12.05am 4th January 2007 - People

US Amateur Champion Richie Ramsay is one of 64 students, an increase of 20% from 2005/06, in receipt of R&A Foundation bursary funding for the current academic year. Following his win at Hazeltine in August, the Stirling University student and 2005 Walker Cup player will play in the first three ‘majors’ of 2007 – the Masters, the US Open and The Open – while completing his university studies.

Individual bursaries range from £500 to £3,000 and players with handicaps of +1 or better for men or 3 for women are eligible to apply.

The R&A’s total annual spend on university golf currently exceeds £300,000 and includes grants to support student golf programmes run at Birmingham, Bournemouth, Dublin, Exeter, Glasgow, Heriot Watt, Loughborough, Northumbria, St Andrews, Stirling, Strathclyde and Ulster. Joining this list for the first time is the University of Pretoria in South Africa.

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