Global Edition

New Cohort of Students Launch Career In Golf Course Architecture

10.16am 5th May 2021 - People

The widest geographic spread of students for many years has now been selected for the 2021/23 cohort of the EIGCA Vocational Qualification in Golf Course Design (EVQGCD).

With the course due to start in May 2021, six students from six countries will embark on the two-year EVQGCD programme:

This intake is the first to study under the restructured EVQGCD programme. Niall Glen, Chair of EIGCA’s Education Board, says: “The EVQGCD is now structured as one Foundation year followed by one Advanced year. The restructuring of the course provides more places and opportunity in the Foundation year, but students will need to demonstrate determination, passion and talent to reach the required level to progress to the Advanced year where the assignments will prepare them for a move into the profession.

“We wish these six students every success in their studies and look forward to seeing them progress towards graduation and being granted EIGCA’s Candidate for Membership status.”

Graduates of the EVQGCD are confirmed as EIGCA Candidates for Membership and awarded one of the following designations:

Details of the restructured EVQGCD programme are found here


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