The last rainy Wednesday in October saw a very successful event taking place in the cosy clubhouse of Royal Copenhagen Golf Club. A mixed crowd (108 in number) of Greenkeepers, Club Managers and industry associates from Denmark, the Netherlands and Sweden had decided to spend their day at Scandinavia’s oldest golf club.

They were fully entertained by Chris Tritabaugh, Golf Course Superintendent at Hazeltine National Golf Club and Dr. Brian Horgan, Professor at University of Minnesota. The two Minnesotans gave their only second international performance of “The Doctor and the Super 2” with the focus on the Ryder Cup in 2016 at Hazeltine. But what a success!
Course Manager Ian Tomlinson from Rungsted Golf Club had brought his whole crew to Copenhagen and they weren’t disappointed. He said: “The presentation given by Chris and Brian was one of the most informative and educational seminars I have ever attended in my 41 years in the golf industry. We were given the ‘On job’ situation by Chris leading up to and including the Ryder Cup, and the data and theory side to turf management by Brian and they both nailed it. The questions from the audience just never stopped coming all day.”
The warm feeling was mutual on the American side. Brian Horgan comments: “A great visit. I was very impressed with the group participation yesterday. A lot of fun on our end.” And Chris Tritabaugh adds: “It is exceptionally rewarding to come to a different country and completely different culture, yet find our material holds just as much interest for those in our own city.”
The full house in Copenhagen will be followed by yet another full house when the Danish Greenkeepers Association’s Annual Conference is kicked off at Rønnes Hotel in Slette Strand, North Jutland in the middle of November. More than 130 greenkeepers are meeting for a 3-days action packed program ranging from Nature Conservation, Integrated Pest Management and Water Management.
Chairman Martin Nilsson comments: “We’ve had this set-up since 2010 and it’s just the place to be if you as a Danish greenkeeper wants to further your knowledge about modern turf management and wants to expand your network. And it’s great fun to be together again after a very long and challenging season.”
The Association’s AGM will also take place during the conference. This will see a change in leadership as Martin has decided to step down after 8 years as chairman. “I’m just plain tired after 8 very productive years as chairman of a small association. In my time the Board has been part of implementing the world’s toughest, yet successful pesticide legislation, launching the Golf Environmental prize together the Danish Golf Federation and launching the TORO Student of the Year Award together with Danish TORO distributor Reesink Turfcare DK. And our Associations economy has never been stronger. It has been a great journey.”
Danish Greenkeepers Association