Global Edition

Your Customers Aren’t Gone – They’re Just at Home

12.59pm 24th April 2020 - Opinion

Golf clubs, health clubs, the leisure industry, the country, most of the world, it’s all in lockdown, writes Matthew Orwin of Promote Golf. That may give rise to the impression you don’t have any members or customers anymore, but it couldn’t be further from the truth. Your customers aren’t gone – they’re just at home, and you need to engage with them now more than ever.

We know, from winters past, that many golfers can all-too-easily fall out of the habit of playing golf. Re-energising them when the sun comes out, or The Masters is on the TV, is a tough task made all the harder if they’ve been abandoned for the previous four or five months. It’s exactly the same, if not worse, now.

The task at hand is urgent – clubs have to work harder than ever before to stay in the consciousness of their members, golf society participants and green fee visitors, indeed, the broader target audience of prospective golfers generally. We have to ensure that we continue to try and engage them in the sport, albeit from afar at the moment. Because when this does end, and it will end, we want them to be so full-up on golfing content and enthusiasm that they’re just itching at the bit to get back onto the course.

What to communicate though? It’s not like there’s much in the way of club activity at the moment.

Actually, the ‘what’ may not be as important than in normal times. As most people are at home, they’re not in the daily hustle and bustle of “normal” life. This is a rare moment when they’ve actually got time on their hands. If you send them something that’s not of particular interest, they may not engage with it – but they’ll be less inclined to unsubscribe or de-friend you as you’ve not interrupted them.

That doesn’t mean to say you can send them anything without regard for whether it’s actually worth sending at all. It just means you’ve got some leeway. Plenty will just be delighted to receive a consistent flow of ‘golf-themed-stuff’ to occupy their minds with momentarily.

The goal is simple – Simple Minds – Don’t You (Forget About Me). “We’re still here, golf’s still great and we can’t wait to welcome you back. In the meantime…”

Here is a glimpse of what Promote Golf is doing worldwide.

Never before has it been so important to stay communicative with your golfing customers. Supporting them through their period of isolation with fun, light-hearted and engaging material, will be appreciated and they’ll be much more likely to get back golfing quicker, and at your club.

Promote Golf want to help you achieve that, and we want to do it for free!

Our goal over the forthcoming weeks and months is to help golf clubs keep golfers engaged, because we know without that, participation in the sport may struggle to  recover when the doors re-open.

We can help you with your website, email marketing and social media – all focused on keeping the communication flowing with your customers.

Get in touch today – call 01865 582365


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