Global Edition

First managers receive GCMA Accreditation status

8.20am 22nd February 2023 - Management Topics

The Golf Club Managers Association has announced the first managers to receive GCMA Accreditation status.

Since the launch of GCMA Accreditation in September 2022, association staff have been assessing applications from members keen to receive formal recognition of their abilities as golf club managers. 

North Hants’ Rob Climas was the first member to receive GCMA Accreditation, alongside Stuart Leechand Scott Clark, and the rest of the first intake have now been confirmed.

GCMA CEO Tom Brooke was excited to announce the full list of successful candidates, saying: “GCMA Accreditation is a key strand of our Association’s strategy and the central piece of our Professional Development service to members, so we’re delighted to see so many members putting themselves forward and taking part in this new programme, which is the first of its kind in Golf Club Management. 

North Hants Golf Club’s general manager Rob Climas was the first member to receive GCMA Accreditation

“It’s fantastic to be able to formally recognise the depth of knowledge, talent and achievements from within our membership for the first time, and we look forward to working with our members to further develop the programme and uptake in the coming years.”

GCMA Accreditation is flexible, inclusive, and designed to represent the value of GCMA members to golf the industry, while providing a clear and achievable route for career development. It aims to value and recognise the wide range of backgrounds, skills, knowledge, experience, learning and qualifications that contribute to making a successful golf club manager.

Members could apply for one of four Levels – ranging from GCMA Aspiring Manager (Level 1) to GCMA Accredited Manager (Level 3), and entries to the programme will reopen on May 1 this year.

For the full list of GCMA Aspiring and Accredited Managers, click here.

North Hants Golf Club’s general manager Rob Climas was the first member to receive GCMA Accreditation

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