Global Edition

Your Golf Booking Helps Greenwich Gain Record Advance

11.42am 16th July 2021 - Innovation Centre

The Greenwich Peninsula Golf Range in London spearheaded the push of a new range management and booking engine, Your Golf Booking, or YGB for short.

Greenwich has long been happy to stand at the forefront and adopt new technologies, being the first large-scale installation of Inrange Golf’s ball tracking and entertainment system. However, the popularity of the range caused issues with managing the constant flow of customers and the difficult peaks and troughs of busyness.

Despite its Capital location, the percentage of pre-bookings was low, and the number of upsells being made at the range was lacking.

Greenwich became the first UK venue to adopt YGB to run their range and contributed personally to the development of several important features like to-the-second availability, the new reporting system, direct dispenser integrations, and rules to restrict teaching bays for pros on different patterns.

Online pre-reserved bookings made up 80% of their sessions this June, with customers even able to take their smartphones to the dispensers to get balls, taking the load off of Greenwich’s staff.

Declan Malone, the owner at Greenwich had this to say: “After five years of operating one of the busiest ranges in Europe there really is no other way forward. You maximise occupancy at the range and therefore profits. Customers get the modern experience they expect – convenience, no queues and certainty that they’ll get to play.

“Since trying it out at Greenwich, YGB now also runs at three of my other sites and we’ve seen the same successes there despite the dramatically different sizes of venue.

“We’re also now getting much better returns on our marketing and social media posts. Being able to press “book now” and purchase straight away has a huge impact on the conversion rates.

“There really is no downside, I have no hesitation in recommending YGB to any operator wanting to run their business in a more modern, profitable and sustainable way.”

YGB now operates in over 30 venues in the UK, US and Europe and is gaining traction fast with its modern take on driving range and entertainment range management.

Have a look at how Greenwich operates the system, or browse other venues using YGB for their ranges and courses:

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