The Agricultural Engineers Association (AEA) have UKTI grant funding available for the Golf Industry Show (GIS) 2016 which takes place on the 10th and 11th February 2016 at the San Diego Convention Centre in San Diego, California.
The Golf Industry Show is the world’s largest golf course and facility management event and attracts attendees from 63 different countries including golf course superintendents, owners, chief operating officers, architects and builders, equipment managers, and distributors.
The AEA have grants of £2000 available for UK businesses to exhibit at GIS 2016 which are allocated on a first come first served. While there are still grant available, the uptake has been fantastic so companies are urged to act swiftly if they are interested.
If you would like more information on the grants available for GIS 2016 please email kayleigh.holden@aea.uk.com
Golf Industry Show http://www.golfindustryshow.com/
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