Taking place on Wednesday 24th January 2018 during BTME in Harrogate, GolfBIC features industry speakers on subjects pertinent to golf club owners and managers and is a fantastic networking opportunity with a drinks reception taking place on the evening of the event.
Featured Sessions
- Leadership and Management Challenges
- The Impact of Understanding Your Market
- The Power of Social Media to Drive Business to Your Golf Club
- How Reframing the Driving Range Experience Allowed Us to Charge More!
- Changing the Face of Golf
- What Golf Can Learn from the Wider Leisure industry
Speakers include Eddie Bullock, Abbie Lench, Richard Haygarth, David Standing, Robert B. Cook, Paul Dellanzo and Nick Solski,
Early Bird* Offer for Members – £35.00 + VAT including lunch and refreshments (*available until 30 November 2017). This Member rate is available to members of: UKGCOA, OGRO, BIGGA, PGA, GCMA
Non-Members – £100.00 + VAT including lunch and refreshments.
Find Out More http://www.ukgcoa.com/golfbic