Toro’s Workman utility vehicles meet most demands: powerful, dependable, rugged, easy to maintain. They have good traction and are capable of heavy-duty work, but, whether a diesel-powered HDX-D or the electric MDE, are nippy and manoeuvrable and have the ability to exploit this without ripping up fine turf.
That in itself explains why John O’Gaunt Golf Club in Sandy, Bedfordshire, who has long been a Toro ‘Solutions’ customer trusting both the machinery and irrigation to provide a total turf management solution, has five.
Nigel Broadwith, course manager, explains the history of the Toro Workman at the club. “We bought our first Workman in 1999, since then we’ve added a new one to the fleet on a fairly regular basis in 2001, 2004, 2008 and 2009. They’re used for everything from top dressing, spraying and of course transporting tools and machinery around the course.
“They get our seal of approval because they are reliable, comfortable and economical. Transport capacity is good, and so is ground pressure, even when the vehicle is fully loaded with equipment.”
The latest additions to the Workman fleet were two HDXs, which have been at other clubs on a lease plan. They are five years old, and prove that these units can last the distance. “It’s not unusual to see machines of 10 years plus still earning their keep”, says Lely’s Julian Copping who worked with Nigel to source the machines. He elaborates: “The range of Workman at John O’Gaunt shows the machines through the ages. There’s the latest HDX-D ‘flat’ front, round front and the old flat front, too; three generations of the same model all going strong.”
John O’Gaunt Golf Club has a long-standing relationship with Toro machinery and will be adding the Reelmaster 5610-D to the shed this year, as well as discussing plans to upgrade the irrigation on the 18-hole John O’Gaunt course, following the successful upgrade of the 18-hole Cathegena course to Toro Lynx in 2014.
But for the moment it’s the Workman easing the workload at John O’Gaunt and continuing to demonstrate that the best quality stands the test of time.
Toro turf products are distributed throughout mainland UK by Lely Turfcare, 1 Station Road, St Neots PE19 1QH. Call 01480 226800, email turfcare.uk@lely.com or visit www.lelyturfcare.co.uk / www.toro.com for further details. And in Ireland by Lely Ireland Limited, Kilboggin, Nurney, Co. Kildare. Call 00 353 (0)45 526170 or email turfcaresales.ie@lely.com
John O’Gaunt Golf Club www.johnogauntgolfclub.co.uk