Colin runs a team of 5 professionals including himself and Harry the young apprentice combining college and green keeping experience. “We maintain an 18 hole course which is constructed on very heavy clay soil. Our biggest issue has always been drainage and we installed a complete main drainage system using an AFT 45 trencher, 12 years ago.” Colin said. “We have recently purchased a second AFT 45 to operate alongside the original and we use it all year round to maintain the extensive drainage lines.”
Despite much of the country suffering from drought, this is has not been a problem in Tyne and Wear, the home county of the club. “We have found that if anything we have had excessive levels of rainfall this year and because of that we have invested in the AFT Sandbander to give even more structure to keeping the course free of surface water,” explained Colin
The AFT Sandbander has revolutionised the way sand slits are installed on sport surfaces. The unique blade design and oscillating movement installs drainage slits with well consolidated sand. In this instance the Sandbander has been used to successfully divert surface water on the greens to the existing lateral drains.
Suitable for tractors from 35hp it gives fast and easy installation of 25 or 40mm sand slits with a maximum depth of 250mm (10″). It also works well with lytag and gravel (up to 6mm).
Colin is delighted with the results so far and is confident that the course will be at its best for 2012. “We have been asked to host the English Golf Union Seniors County Finals. For this we are honoured and immensely proud,” said Colin
Heworth Golf Club
AFT Trenchers