Rya Golfklubb, an 18-hole coastal golf course, situated 8 km south of Helsingborg on the Swedish shore of the Oresund, has signed a five-year preferred agreement with Gräsvårdsmaskiner (GVM) of Malmo, Ransomes Jacobsen’s distributor for southern Sweden.
The recent delivery equipment included three Jacobsen Eclipse 322 hybrid triplex mowers, two LF550 light fairway mowers, an AR522 five-unit rotary mower, an R311 batwing rotary mower, an Iseki TG5395 compact tractor plus two products from Smithco, a greens roller and self-propelled sprayer.

“The need for a long-term relationship with a trusted supplier was the prime reason for changing our machinery fleet,” said head greenkeeper Brian Petersen. “The quality and performance of the Eclipse greens mower was a major selling point and changing its frequency of cut and then rolling with the Smithco greens roller enables us to get championship green speed.”
Petersen heads a team of seven staff during high season plus a full-time mechanic, big enough team to keep ahead of the golfers.
“We had more than 29,000 member rounds and 6,000 green fees last year, so in excess of 35,000 rounds,” he added. “We plan to increase the definition across the course by raising the height of cut in all areas; for example we are mowing the greens at 3mm producing 9.5 to 10 on the stimpmeter and can get that up to 12.5 for club championship. We are drilling and filling the greens to get better soil exchange and bringing Rya back to its seaside roots. We want to preserve the history, but with subtle changes.”
Ransomes Jacobsen www.ransomesjacobsen.com
Rya GolfKlubb www.rya.nu