The renowned Royal Automobile Club is nearing completion of its restoration of numerous bunkers utilizing the Better Billy Bunker method. BBB licensed installer and representative for UK and Europe Campbell Golf Associates was selected to install the revolutionary bunker drainage method.
After conducting several detailed trials, Royal Automobile Club Golf Course Manager Lee Strutt MG, CGCS, MS chose the Better Billy Bunker Method based on performance, cost effectiveness, and ease of installation. Faced with a narrow time frame for completion of the project, Campbell Golf Associates installed more than 2,000 square metres of the BBB drainage layer in less than 4 days.
Andy Campbell of Campbell Golf Associates commented “We were pleased at the opportunity to work at such a wonderful facility. Lee Strutt and his staff were extremely helpful and accommodating as we completed the installation of BBB in 33 bunkers in a timely fashion. This proven method has been utilized at some of the world’s top facilities and we are proud to add the Royal Automobile Club to that list.”
Campbell Golf Associates www.campbellgolfassociates.com
Better Billy Bunker www.betterbillybunker.com