Raglan Parc Golf Club in Wales closed last week after its owners were unable to secure a new lease from its landlord.
In a statement published on the club’s website on November 2, club chairman Nigel Price said had been unable to secure a new lease with the landowners, Raglan Castle Properties Ltd, despite repeated attempts, and that the club had to close with immediate effect.

The club, which first opened in 1993, is located in rural Monmouthshire. It boasts an 18-hole parkland course, 10-bay floodlit driving range, practice ground, academy course and putting green, pro shop and clubhouse. It currently has 400 members, all of whom have been asked to collect any personal belongings left on the site.
The statement said: “The board has been trying to negotiate a new and extensive lease for the club for some time, and more recently we have made a formal bid to the shareholders of Raglan Castle Properties Ltd (our landlords) to buy it. Sadly, to date, the offers have been ignored. Unfortunately the landlord took a decision to refer all matters to a solicitor and has refused to discuss anything with us or respond to our telephone calls.”
He added: “I am personally heartbroken that our golf club, after so many years of hard work by so many of us, will be lost. Every member will receive a letter from our liquidator in the near future, which will explain how the process will work and how claims can be lodged. I will lose a considerable monetary investment, made for what we believed would be the club’s future. My sincere thanks to all those who have helped in the success of the club, and there have been many, and hope you find it in your hearts to forgive us (the board) for the action we have been forced to take.”
Landowners Raglan Castle Properties has made no public statement about the reasons for the closure.