Golf Courses are one of Dorset-based Apex Soil Solutions Ltd Managing Director Martin Saxon’s first targets to benefit from their GEOTEC Injection treatment that generates long lasting drainage of water logged soils to reactivate natural biological processes in the soil. The injection of granular material reduces the likelihood of re compaction after the treatments.

At the Knighton Heath Golf Club near Bournemouth, Course Manager Alan Magee has seen dramatic improvements to the normally flooded areas of the course since the Apex team used their GeoInjector in November (2017) on 4 greens.
“We have now had these usually flooded areas open for play. In previous years they would have had to be closed. Certainly, this winter’s excessive rainfall has been a great test for the advantage of the injection treatment,” said Alan Magee.
Apex are also introducing the soil decompaction and aeration probe to inject enriched biochar to improve tree performance and stimulate root growth and health.
“This allows us to penetrate the soil into the root zone to a depth of one metre to create a natural underground void which is then filled with organic fertilisers, to enhance a tree that may be a long established feature of a course,” said Martin Saxon, who launched the parent company Apex Tree Surgeons in 2002. The business is now set to expand with the introduction of a specialist depot and demonstration area to manage the distribution of the German VOGT product range. “We are delighted to be able to promote the range of essential products developed by the VOGT team that offer new solutions to assist with practical environmental issues faced by green keepers,” he said.
Apex Soil Solutions