Trentham Golf Club is respected as being one of the oldest clubs in the country and it is now the newest Toro ‘Total Solutions’ customer.
Trentham was recognised by the R&A in 1894, but the Duchess of Sutherland and her family were playing golf there several years before. Today, the greens, fairways, bunkers and surrounds of the Open Championship Qualifying course are about to turn Toro red for the first time.
Course manager Ed Stant arrived at Trentham six years ago and soon after took delivery of a new machinery fleet from a competitor brand.
“When I arrived at Trentham I soon brought three used Toro 1600 hand mowers to show the potential presentation of the tees” says Ed. “I want what’s best for the club and I know the best is Toro. It’s the market leader and when the time came to renew I was lucky to have the club’s and, in particular, Club Chairwoman Julie Wright’s support to invest in Toro.”
The machinery side of the deal includes a Groundsmaster 4500-D, Reelmaster 3100-D, two Reelmaster 5410-D, three Workman machines and a MultiPro 5800D among many, all supplied through local Toro dealer Oakley’s Groundcare.
But Ed didn’t stop there. He wanted this deal to take the club to the next level and he felt the best way to do that was to come on board with Toro as a ‘Total Solutions’ customer by opting for a full irrigation system replacement, too.
“With the R&A and England Golf Championships, including the English Champion Club and English Women’s Open Mid-Amateur Championship planned for the near future it is imperative we have the course looking immaculate. It’s time we had a new irrigation system and I was very impressed with the Toro range. We’re currently in the consultancy phase with Irritech with the replacement taking place over the next year or two, shortly after the machinery fleet arrives in February.”
So, what is it Ed is most looking forward to about the fleet’s arrival in February?
“I am especially excited about the GR1000 pedestrian mowers. We’re going to be hand mowing the greens all year round to further enhance course presentation and this will help that enormously. The MultiPro sprayer will be a welcome addition at the club, too. Having this will mean less downtime swapping our top dresser and mounted sprayer, as is currently the case.”
Toro turf products are distributed throughout mainland UK by Lely (UK) Limited – www.toro.com / www.lely.com for further details – and in Ireland by Lely Ireland Limited, Kilboggin, Nurney, Co. Kildare email turfcaresales.ie@lely.com
Trentham Golf Club www.trenthamgolf.org