The American course designer, Clyde B. Johnston of Hilton Head created the original layout which blends perfectly with the historic setting of Norwood Park and highlights its natural features and views. The course measured 3,333 yards off the men’s medal tees. Clyde B Johnston’s design for the second 9 holes takes the total length to 6,805 yards.
At all stages the course construction has been the responsibility of golf course construction specialists, Loates Construction of Newark. The project has been carried out under the close scrutiny and supervision of Sir John Starkey and Colin Loates.
While the first 9 holes passes through wood and parkland, the additional holes have been created of farmland. Colin Loates, who has been responsible for the construction of more than thirty golf courses, paid tribute to Sir John’s expertise in carefully selecting a large number of trees which help the new holes to blend with the parkland.
During the construction period Roger Peacock, of local seed company Cebeco Seeds, worked closely with the management team to specify the right seed for the course’s fairways, tees and greens. The objective was to achieve quick maturity as well as continuity with the original 9-holes.
“Four years ago, when the course’s first 9-holes were built, Green Velvet was selected for the greens,” says Roger. “Since then the mixture has been further improved by the inclusion of the new variety Cezanne as it offers excellent density and fineness of leaf with good resistance to disease and fast recovery from wear. Its ability to withstand very close mowing combined with good drought tolerance and impressive summer and winter colour, made it ideal for the new greens on the course.”
“Timing for seeding the new 9 holes at the beginning of September last year has proved perfect and the results are truly amazing,” said Sir John. “The Cebeco wildflower mix which we used on the first nine has established exceptionally well and because the results have been so spectacular we’ve used this again in non-playing areas within the second nine holes.”
Other facilities at Norwood Park include an eighteen acre practice area with putting, chipping, bunker and pitching areas together with a 350 yard range. Paul Thornton is the resident golf professional.
Norwood Park Golf Course
Cebeco Seeds
Loates Construction