Bowood Estate in Wiltshire has unveiled plans to build a 120 room hotel, with extensive conference and leisure facilities, and to extend the existing 18 hole golf course by a further nine holes. The multi-million pound development is intended to secure Bowood’s reputation as one of Europe’s top golf courses and to make it an outstanding venue for major international golf tournaments.
Plans for the facility have been submitted to North Wiltshire District Council following consultations with senior council officials and representatives from English Heritage and the Garden History Society.
The plans renew a scheme that was granted outline planning permission in 1989. The economic downturn, which followed shortly afterwards, meant that plans for the hotel were shelved but the 18 hole golf course development went ahead and opened in 1992.
“The long-term plan was to build a quality hotel with a golf facility,” said Lord Lansdowne, owner of The Bowood Estate. “This proposed development enhances the plans that were approved 11 years ago and fulfils the original objective. We are in negotiations with several leading hoteliers to build and run this 4-star operation. It is a prestigious development that will bring significant economic benefits to North Wiltshire as well as securing the long term future of Bowood.”
Under the plans the 120 bedroom hotel plus separate leisure, health and conference facilities will be built alongside the existing complex. A total of 27 conference rooms will be able to accommodate up to 200 delegates while the two restaurants will seat up to 120 diners at a time.
The additional nine hole loop has been designed by David Thomas, who was responsible for the original 18 hole course and who is one of the world’s leading golf course architects.
“Bowood is already ranked in the top 50 of Europe’s golf courses,” said Max Taylor head golf professional at the club. “This development will enhance that position and enable us to attract major international tournaments while continuing to provide top-class facilities for our members who are the lifeblood of the club.”
“My family has been developing Bowood over the past 250 years,” said Lord Lansdowne, “adapting to social change and diversifying to maintain its economic viability. The proposed hotel will be an extension to our Golf and Country Club which is a mile from the house in the western corner of the park. The integrity of the house, gardens, grounds and park will in no way be compromised by this development.”