Nacka Golfklubb, an 18-hole golf course located 20 kilometres from the centre of Stockholm, has been consistently pursuing an agenda of sustainability performance since the 1990’s. Situated in a conservation area that hosts many rare, protected and notable species, Nacka GK is the first of 60 clubs around the Swedish capital to achieve the GEO Certified™ eco-label, from the Golf Environment Organization (GEO).
“It feels great that our environmental efforts measure up to GEO’s stringent requirements,” said Jonas Liljeblad, Course Manager at Nacka GK. “We have worked consciously and intensely with environmental issues for over 10 years and today we can say with certainty that we have the right mindset, running our golf facility in harmony with nature and local communities”
“It’s not just about putting up bird feeders. Working to secure the GEO award has improved the way that we organize our team, manage the landscape, and how we use resources – finding savings on electricity, water, fuel and more. There is no limit for improvement.”
The official GEO Certified™ Report for Nacka Golfklubb can be read here:
Club Manager Lasse Hellman added, “This environmental approval sits well with our vision and efforts to ensure that Nacka GK operates as a genuine ‘multifunctional golfclub’. We want as many people as possible to benefit from our ecologically rich landscape and facilities. As we are large enough in the neighbourhood to take a lead in environmental and cultural issues with the municipalities and other stakeholders, these discussions are contributing to a movement regarding the role of golf clubs’ in Sweden, both in terms of their environmental footprint and their place in the community.”
“That we have been recognized as the first club in Stockholm and fourth club in Sweden is of course a feather in our cap. We hope to inspire more Swedish clubs to follow suit.”

Mårten Wallberg, GEOSA Accredited Verifier, visited the club to evaluate their performance: “Nacka Golfklubb has shown great commitment and was an inspiring place to visit. From my perspective, coming from the wider environmental movement, it is gratifying to see that the sport of golf, through GEO, has so seriously taken control of its environmental responsibilities. The certification process identified some areas in which Nacka GK can pursue continual improvement and they will soon launch several new initiatives.”
Read Mårten’s On-Site Evaluation Report here:
“The Svenska Golfförbundet (SGF) is delighted to see another Swedish club achieve this international recognition from GEO,” said Maria Strandberg, SGF Director of Research & Development. “As a long-term supporter of GEO and its shared vision to connect sustainable golf initiatives from country to country, the Swedish Golf Federation is delighted that Nacka Golfklubb has joining the growing group of GEO Certified™ golf clubs around the world. We hope to encourage and support more clubs in Sweden to follow this lead.”
GEO Chief Executive Jonathan Smith extended his congratulations to Nacka Golfklubb: “Nackais demonstrating how closely golf can fit with nature conservation, while also providing a wide range of other social and economic benefits. When viewed in light of the club’s drive to use resources sparingly and efficiently, it’s easy to see how closely the models for sustainable golf management and multifunctionalism intertwine. GEO congratulates the members and management team at Nacka, and looks forward to promoting their leadership and ongoing efforts in the coming months and years.”
Nacka Golfklubb