The latest milestone achieved by this club, to improve the face and image of golf courses in the eyes of non-golfers is officially approved. Golf Park Nuolen is GEO – Certified since December last year www.golfenvironment.org
Golf Park Nuolen was designed by Harradine Golf.
The huge effort to accomplish the stipulated management of the golf course, using all possible resources and knowledge to ensure the correct balance between the ‘artificial needs’ of newly developed biotopes, wildlife and the corridors connecting them to create a functional ecosystem, has resulted in the acknowledgment of this ecological recognition!
“The site has large areas of wildflower fields, 6 man-made lakes and biotopes which separate the golf holes and provide extensive habitat for birds, amphibians, mammals and insects,” noted David Bily, GEO Accredited Verifier. on their official website.
“The club cooperates with WWF and ProNatura and is guided by a local environmental consultant. The L-93 based playing surfaces require regular mowing, verticutting and top-dressing but very little fertiliser and pesticide,” he continued. “All irrigation water comes from the 6 lakes, collecting natural run-off from the golf course. Monitoring weather and golf course conditions informs the greenkeeper of irrigation and maintenance practices minimising inputs. A solid recycling system is in place and energy alternatives are being studied for the golf course and clubhouse.”
Harradine Golf www.harradine-golf.com
Golf Park Nuolen www.golfpark.ch