Golf Car UK is accelerating into summer 2021 as the UK’s largest single golf buggy dealer, and has released early details of a £2m investment in substantial new premises capable of storing over 1,000 E-Z-GO vehicles.
The firm has also announced that it now supplies over 30% of golf clubs in England and Wales, and that by the end of 2021 100% of its new buggy sales will be the new E-Z-GO® ELiTETM Lithium Series, activated by the advanced Samsung SDI Lithium Technology battery system.
Golf Car UK is now the leading authorised distributor of E-Z-GO and Cushman vehicles in the UK.

“We passed the 600-club mark last year, so almost a third of golf clubs in England and Wales now get their golf buggies from us” said Chris Ivess-Mash, Golf Car UK Managing Director. “We believe that this is testament to the levels of support and service that Golf Car UK provides. However, we are absolutely still on an upward curve, and we have already signed many new customers for 2021.”
Golf Car UK’s commitment to selling the new generation of high-performance lithium battery-powered models has driven much of the growth for the firm.
“Demand for the new E-Z-GO ELiTE Lithium models has been exceptional” said Matthew Patton, Golf Car UK Sales Director, “and as far as new buggy sales go I can confidently predict that by this autumn, every new E-Z-GO buggy which leaves our distribution centre will be a lithium model.”

E-Z-GO ELiTE Lithium buggies travel further than their lead acid counterparts on a single charge, and the brand’s patented Intellibrake means that E-Z-GO buggies can be parked safely on slopes – with no dangerous wheel-spin when driving up or downhill. Their lightweight nature also makes them kinder to playing surfaces. They are also cheaper and less time-consuming to service and operate than the older lead acid models – which still form the majority of sales elsewhere in the industry.
Golf Car UK is preparing for further expansion by planning new premises close to its existing base in Wiltshire. “We’ve bought the land, we have the planning permission, and we will soon begin work on a new £2m facility to cope with demand” said Ivess-Mash. “We will be further increasing our mobile engineer team, along with more workshop and support staff. The new 1,800 square metre building and its surrounding secure yard will have room to house over 1,000 vehicles. This will ensure that we can meet the most demanding delivery schedules.”
Steve Pockneall, who operates a fleet of 34 E-Z-GO buggies at four venues in the south of England, said: “My advice to golf club owners would be don’t deal with anyone until you’ve spoken to Golf Car UK.
“I don’t even get quotes from anywhere else. The service they give me is so fantastic that I have complete peace of mind about my buggy fleet, and the revenues keep going up each year. Golf Car UK is simply second to none in my view” he said.
“While others scramble to figure lithium out, E-Z-GO has been perfecting it” said Ivess-Mash. “It gives you so many demonstrable advantages, and it is no surprise that we have outgrown our current facilities.”
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