Los Micos is located nearTelaBayon the stunning northern coast ofHonduras. It is a multi-faceted project that will feature 5-star hotels, recreation, boating, water sports and sightseeing tours in addition to 18-holes of championship golf.
TelaBayis an environmentally sensitive area supporting a wide array of wildlife, a large variety of trees and plants, and over 350 species of birds. The Honduran government has made environmentally friendly building and design a major part of the Los Micos project and has focused on preserving the natural characteristics of the land.
“Los Micos is a wonderful site and I was really looking forward to seeing how the course is progressing. The naturally occurring sand dunes have added a unique element to the design and construction of the course and the azure colouring of theCaribbean Seais a beautiful contrast against the dunes and land,” said Gary Player.
“I’m not sure how many people are aware of just how beautifulHondurasisand the scope of the Los Micos development. This is going to be one of those places that people start talking about the minute they arrive and we are pleased to be part of this fantastic project,” he added.
“We feel very proud to have Gary Player Design as the firm responsible for the development of our golf course, and also extremely excited to receive such an important figure like Gary Player in Honduras. We think he will be just as pleased as we are with the progress of the course,” said José Antonio Gutiérrez, general manager of DesarrolloTurístico Bahía de Tela (DTBT).
“Honduras is another emerging tourist destination where Gary Player and Gary Player Design hope to influence the growth of golf and its contribution to tourism. We have been engaged in Los Micos for quite some time, and we are very pleased that construction has commenced. Senior Designer Jeff Lawrence is visiting the site frequently and accompanied Mr. Player on this trip to review his design input,” Scott Ferrell, President of GaryPlayer Design commented.
Gary Player Design www.garyplayer.com