When tasked with re-instating tee banks on the 6th hole, Head Greenkeeper of Mid Herts GC, Jody Wilson and his team, took part in a trial of the recently launched ProNitro coated seed from DLF. Mid Herts is one of the country’s oldest golf courses, with records dating back to 1892. Designed by James Braid, it provides a unique test of golf across rare Hertfordshire heathland.
ProNitro® is considered the ‘next generation’ of seed coat technology aimed at improving nutrient utilisation during the early stages of plant growth – particularly important when overseeding into a competitive sward. Containing 15% Nitrogen, both fast acting and slow release, Nitrogen uptake with ProNitro® is up to 4 times more efficient compared to broadcast applied fertilisers. Roots and shoots grow rapidly, delivering up to a 30% increase in root growth, and the seedlings become strong and vigorous with up to 34% more viable plants. The enhanced root growth also improves the availability of soil nutrients and can reduce nutrient loss into the environment through leaching by over 50%.
In the trial, the area to the back of the tee was sown with Johnsons J Nitro Tee and the area to the front was sown with J Tee. Apart from eliminating traffic on the trial areas, the only issues Jody faced was the nutrient poor, natural acid soil of a Heathland course and the cold, dry spring experienced in early 2016.

Despite this, Jody commented: “The difference between the uncoated and ProNitro coated Johnsons J Tee has been more than significant. Not only were germination and establishment faster with the ProNitro but the colour and density were noticeably better too! The plot sown with ProNitro treated seed germinated 3 days sooner, has less weed and was also much more consistent across the whole area in terms of coverage. There is also the not insignificant cost benefit too as the treated plot has had no additional fertiliser applied. I wouldn’t have any reservations using Pro Nitro treated seed again being confident that I could get areas back into play much quicker than with untreated seed and it helps my budget go further too.”
ProNitro® is available exclusively in the UK on selected Johnsons Sports Seed ‘J Nitro’ mixtures. For the golf market, of particular interest is J Nitro All Bent for greens; J Nitro Fescue, 100% fine fescue for greens, tees and fairways; hard wearing tee renovation mix J Nitro Tee and J Nitro Fairway.
DLF www.dlf.co.uk
Mid Herts GC www.mid-hertsgolfclub.co.uk