Confidence has been strengthened at Dean Wood Golf Club, in Lancashire, following a substantial Toro investment amidst an economy that has seen neighbouring golf clubs suffer.
Known as a course of two contrasting halves – the first nine holes present a gentle introduction to the back nine, while the second set sit in sloping fairways and small undulating greens – Dean Wood not only offers a challenge to players, but also to Dean Wood’s course manager Chris Halkerd.
However, Chris, who’s been at Dean Wood for 19 years, says that while maintaining diverse terrain can be demanding, the real challenge has been the suffering economy.
“In late 2011 through to 2013 the lows in the economy hit the leisure industry hard, with a number of golf clubs struggling in the North West and a local golf club closing in 2013. Dean Wood, however, has strived to create an edge by investing in the business and continuing to improve standards across the facility,” explains Chris.
The club’s efforts cumulated with the investment of three Toro Greensmasters, a TriFlex 3400 and two 1000 walking mowers; two Toro Groundsmasters, a 4300 and a 3500; a Reelmaster 3100; and two utility vehicles, a Workman HDX and MDX.
Chris is happy to report that the economy is now beginning to improve and members are pleased to see the club make a strong investment.
“The new Toros are creating a real buzz around Dean Wood. Since we’ve had the greensmowers out, members have really been impressed, complimenting the quality of cut, and both staff and members have been keen to see them in action!
“We’ve even had new members joining on a regular basis, which can only be attributed to the standard of the golf course,” he says.
Having now had a chance to try out the entire fleet on both halves of the club, Chris notes what’s impressed him about Toro so far: “What I love about Toro is that their machines are specifically designed for the industry, catering for all golf course turf needs.
“It’s my opinion that Toro is the leading supplier of golf turf machinery. Their DPA cutting units are the best on the market as they sustain a high quality of cut, and are easy to set, maintain and sharpen. This, combined with universal systems for setting the qualities and height of cut across the Toro range, ensures top quality presentation, which is time efficient and cost effective.”
Chris goes on to add that he’s also been impressed with his local Toro dealer, Chris Halley, area sales manager at Cheshire Turf Machinery.
“We worked closely with Chris to negotiate and arrange a deal to best suit Dean Wood’s operational and financial requirements. He knows Toro inside out and his knowledge and advice is exemplary.
“I would recommend both Toro and Cheshire Turf Machinery to any turf maintenance professional or golf club looking to invest in their business,” he adds.
Toro turf products are distributed throughout mainland UK by Lely (UK) Limited, 1 Station Road, St Neots PE19 1QH. Call 01480 226800, email turfcare.uk@lely.com or visit www.toro.com / www.lely.com for further details. And in Ireland by Lely Ireland Limited, Kilboggin, Nurney, Co. Kildare. Call 00 353 (0)45 526170 or email turfcaresales.ie@lely.com
Dean Wood Golf Club www.deanwoodgolfclub.co.uk
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