Highspeed Group is proud to have been awarded the contract to supply and install a ClearWater washpad water recycling system to a golf club wishing to install a new wash facility located within a Scheduled Ancient Monument site.
In November 2014, Sutton Coldfield Golf Club decided it was time to comply with legislative requirements in relation to washpads and thought that a genuine washpad water recycling system would be ideal. Recycling they knew would save thousands of litres of precious water too. What they could install, the work involved and timescale, they found, was another matter!
Sutton Park, a 2400 acre National Nature Reserve (NNR) and designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) located near Birmingham is considered to be the seventh largest urban park in Europe. Large parts of the park were declared a Scheduled Ancient Monument (SAM) in March 2002. This scheduling is designed to protect the parks’ future and now, all potentially damaging actions require governmental consent. Amazingly, ancient grazing rights from the time of Henry VIII still exist and greens need to be protected from cattle!

The golf course and greenkeeping facility are situated within the Scheduled Ancient Monument area and so a long process of obtaining consent through Historic England was embarked upon, ably managed by Greens Chairman Keith Newman, and after the club decided that a ClearWater system from Highspeed Group satisfied requirements. The whole process took considerable time and required detailed information on the ClearWater system and components, together with photographs to demonstrate the impact on surroundings. A further condition required work to be monitored by an archaeologist and a detailed plan of works and written scheme of investigation was submitted by the club with the help and assistance of Highspeed Group.
Full approval, as directed by the Secretary of State, followed recently and the work was carried out by Highspeed Group’s installation team. All was carefully monitored and, as the shot clearly shows, careful consideration was given to the system location as requested. It is totally unobtrusive and safely tucked away in a spot where it is difficult to spot! Head Greenkeeper, Craig Beet is most impressed with the system’s performance and Keith Newman believes that all the effort of finding the right system and one that met requirements was certainly worthwhile.
Highspeed’s MD David Mears commented; “We are delighted that ClearWater rose to the challenge and ticked all the boxes. The installation looks most impressive and there is minimal visual impact on the immediate environment.”
ClearWater is available either with “self-install” or “turnkey” options and currently with £750 worth of free extras in the UK.
ClearWater Recycling Systems www.highspeed.co.uk
Sutton Coldfield Golf Club www.suttoncoldfieldgc.com