An independent assessment has determined that Brocket Hall Golf Club provides some of the best service in the UK.
The historic Hertfordshire club has been using the services of the golf industry’s market-leading mystery shopper service, 59Club, to gain objective feedback on its performance across a number of areas.
These range from the initial phone reservation, through the golfer’s arrival at the club, and the facilities, through to the on-course experience in both services and course presentation. Every aspect of a member and visitor’s experience is monitored – even the Palmerston Golf Academy is tested on each mystery visit.
And the latest figures received have shown that Brocket Hall is out-performing the service’s three best clubs in the UK – referred to as the Podium score – in three particular categories.
Its practice facilities, including the Palmerston Academy, are, this year, scoring at an impressive 95.6 per cent, against a Podium score of 86.5. One mystery shopper went so far as to say: “… excellent practice facilities, probably the best experienced.”
The club’s ‘on-course services’ also outperformed the very best clubs, scoring 68.7 per cent to the Podium score of 66.2. This includes elements such as the tidiness of the starter’s hut and information on pin placements and maintenance, through to helpfulness of staff and conditions of on-course toilet facilities, and, outscored the industry average by a remarkable 25.7 percentage points in the process.
The third area in which Brocket Hall outperformed the Podium score was in ‘on-course presentation’, arguably a golfer’s most abiding memory of a visit. An exceptionally high score of 92.9 per cent elevates the renowned venue into an exclusive group, beating the Podium score of 90.3 into the bargain.
David Griffin, the director of golf operations at Brocket Hall, said: “These independent scores confirm what we had all felt for years: our service is ‘well above average’. Whether you’re a day visitor or a member, the condition and presentation of the golf course is of massive importance.
“Using the 59Club service not only did we get an independent ratification of the quality of the course in terms of an overall mark and bullet-point references, we also received additional information from the visitors – in this case they felt that it was ‘value for money due to the quality of the course and the beautiful surroundings’. They added that ‘it was a very memorable golfing experience’.
“Not only does the statistical information and rating help shape our strategy, such personal comments can act as a huge fillip to individual staff members because they realise that their efforts are appreciated. The depth of the 59Club review is where its strength lies. Anybody can say something was ‘good’ or ‘bad’, but it’s hugely beneficial when that information is detailed and quantifiable.
“And we are 100 per cent committed to maintaining our very high standards now and in the future.”
Brocket Hall www.brocket-hall.co.uk
59Club http://www.59club.com/