Global Edition

Symbio Grass and Soil Health Seminars

8.40am 24th July 2013 - Corporate

GTC Training Courses website pageMany new, less disruptive and less expensive ways of improving playing surfaces are becoming available to golf course managers as our understanding of the interactions between soil biology, chemistry and physics increases.

Symbio’s autumn and winter seminar programme aims to provide the new information to empower course managers to better understand and take more control of the management of their course.

Attendees will be updated on the latest in natural disease management, early and late season growth, and converting poa annua to perennial grasses. The seminar will address some common misconceptions including that all organic matter is bad needing aggressive removal and replacing with sand, that all biostimulants are the same when some grow poa annua and some fescue, and that poa annua greens cannot be returned to perennial grasses.

An introduction to microscopy will also be included, attendees will be able to view and identify the common microbes necessary for thatch reduction, friability, nutrient retention and recycling, disease suppression and plant and soil health.

The seminars are free and open for course managers and deputies and green keepers plus club managers or owners that want to improve playing surfaces with minimal disruption, within the tight budgets we have to adhere to today.

Seminars will take place at venues around the country.

For a list of dates, venues and the full seminar programme please go to

To book a place please email or phone Polly Gearing on 01428 685762

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