Ardglass Golf Club, the historic clubhouse in the background (credit Larry Lambrecht)
Having taken the decision to move to Club Systems International (CSI) from another software provider, the stunning and spectacular Ardglass GC, in Northern Ireland, has become the 1,000th customer to adopt the ClubV1 cloud-based administration system.
The advent of the UK and Ireland’s most popular cloud-based club administration software at Ardglass adds a state-of-the-art counterpoint to the cliff-top venue, for it will be utilised in what is widely recognised to be the oldest building in use as a clubhouse in the golfing world.
The 18th century building is built on the remains of a series of fortified warehouses dating from around 1400, 400 years before even the first comprehensive classification of clouds in the sky was produced …
The ‘cloud’ has now taken on a completely new meaning, and, in little more than three years, CSI’s cloud-based system has gone from zero to four-figures in terms of venues taking advantage of the step-change it has produced in the industry. And there seems to be no stopping it – as more clubs continue to sign up to the movement, ClubV1 has sets its sights on 1,500 satisfied customers.
Investment in its own IT infrastructure means CSI can reliably and securely cope with increased demand using scalable Microsoft Azure databases. Further investment in staff on the road, such as extra account managers, means every CSI client receives the very best customer service.
Recent clubs installing the cloud based solution and just missing out on being recognised as the 1,000th included the 1,001st, Disley GC, in Stockport, where CSI installed its first system way back in 1982; Gog Magog GC, in Cambridgeshire, which has been a CSI customer since 1984; Chesterfield, which joined the fold in 1993; and the one-time home of the BBC’s ‘Voice of Golf’ Peter Alliss, Moor Allerton, in Yorkshire, which has switched to CSI from a different provider.
Ardglass secretary Brian Magee said: “Ardglass Golf Club identified several areas for improvement in its club software programmes. The staff in our club produced a wish list of management systems and reports offering time savings, and ClubV1 gives us confidence in the everyday use of membership, handicapping and EPOS. The integration with our tee bookings software is also beneficial.
“The initial survey of requirements was quickly followed by worry-free installation backed up by onsite training. It was quite a seamless operation carried out by professional staff, which has made our transition very comfortable. CSI has assembled a great team of guys who are a credit to the company, their industry and themselves.”
CSI relationship manager Darren Wood explained: “We are thrilled to have such a historic golf club like Ardglass on board with us and look forward to working with Brian and his team for many years to come. Attaining 1,000 client clubs using our cloud-based solution is an amazing achievement, and testament to the usability of ClubV1, which is, we believe, the most comprehensive, flexible and secure management system available today.
“ClubV1 is an ever evolving product. Using customer feedback and modern technologies to drive innovation, we aim to give our customers the very best tools to manage and develop a successful, modern day golf club. 2017 promises to be our most exciting year yet, with several new features and products lined up to launch in the second half of the year, all of which are being developed with direct input from customers.”
ClubV1 is compatible with all modern operating systems – including mobile, tablet, PC and Mac – allowing club officials to administer membership, handicaps and all aspects of a golf club wherever there is an internet connection. There are also several versions of ClubV1 available, depending on the needs of the individual customer.
The key attributes of the cloud-based ClubV1 system include complete integration with other CSI products; flexibility of use from any device and location; extensive drill-down capabilities on members’ golf and financial activity; radical improvement of competition and handicapping administration; and extensive advances to member and visitor communication and marketing.
Club Systems International Ltd has been designing, building and supporting IT systems for golf clubs since 1982. Now, with nearly 2,000 golf clubs in the UK and Ireland – along with customers as far afield as Dubai, Ghana and Sri Lanka – CSI has grown to lead the UK and Ireland golf club market.