Global Edition

Stay strong together with BIGGA online regional conference

2.42pm 6th November 2020 - Exhibitions & Conferences

The national lockdown in England which started on 5 November will not impact BIGGA’s hosting of an online regional conference on 10 November 2020, allowing turf professionals to take advantage of course closure by getting involved with the association’s famous education and professional training.

With the furlough scheme extended through November, if you’re a BIGGA member then why not sign up for the event, where you’ll be able to chat online to fellow greenkeepers and turf professionals in your region and nationwide while gaining access to high-quality education.

Training is permitted as part of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, meaning participation in the conference will not impact any payments you receive.

For employees, learning helps to alleviate stress and preserve your mental wellbeing as it provides a sense of progression and development, even when you aren’t able to do so by being at work.

Learning new skills helps you to be mentally positive about your career while also providing knowledge that means you’re better prepared to overcome challenges at work, where the environment is rapidly changing due to new technology, climate change, legislation and other matters that, where you to not be aware of the details, could produce a degree of stress.

A good place to start is BIGGA’s National Regional Conference, which is taking place online from 10am to 1.30pm on Tuesday 10 November and is supported by BIGGA Partners ICL.

Traditionally BIGGA’s five regions – Scotland and Northern Ireland, Northern, Central England, South West & South Wales and South East – host their own gatherings for BIGGA members to meet up and hear talks from some of the most influential people in the industry. However, with such meet-ups impossible due to the current coronavirus restrictions, BIGGA’s L&D team has put together an online programme of learning, with talks from:

During the event there will also be virtual chatrooms where attendees can discuss a variety of subjects including mental health and wellbeing, CPD, membership benefits, apprenticeships, Greenkeeper International and BIGGA’s ecology services. There will also be region rooms hosted by the region’s membership services manager, regional chairs and committee members.

BIGGA understands that financial pressures continue and with recognition to sponsor ICL’s “strong together” message, we are extending the early bird ticket price. The cost to BIGGA members booking before 10 November is just £10 + VAT and just £15 + VAT on the day. Additionally, book one ticket at full price and additional attendees from the same golf club will get 50% discount.

Non-members of the association can book tickets for £20 + VAT at the early bird rate and £30 + VAT on 10 November. Additionally, if you join BIGGA you will get your ticket free of charge. Lapsed members can also take advantage of this offer.

Head to the BIGGA National Regional Conference page on the website and to get involved.

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