Golf Industry News - Primo Maxx
Brian Scott, Course Manager at the Rosemount course at Blairgowrie Golf Club in Perthshire, Scotland, believes that the success of his greens is largely thanks to a tank-mix combination of ICL’s Vitalnova Stressbuster and Syngenta’s Primo Maxx II growth regulator
Additions to ICL & Syngenta’s Ultimate Offers22-02-2018
ICL & Syngenta have updated and strengthened their popular Ultimate Offers by announcing the addition of two new packages for 2018. Ultimate Offers are a range of tank-mixes that contain various combinations of nutrition combined with the plant growth regulator Primo Maxx II
ICL Combat Wear & Tear at Ely City GC07-07-2017
Andy Baker, Head Greenkeeper at Ely City, believes that his use of ICL products has significantly improved the high wear areas on the course despite facing unfavourable weather conditions and heavy usage