Global Edition

Well known industry figure appointed Campey product specialist

11.00am 6th August 2015 - People & Jobs

Richard Campey and new Product Specialist Ben Taylor (right)
Richard Campey and new Product Specialist Ben Taylor (right)

Campey Turf Care Systems are pleased to announce the appointment of Ben Taylor, formally worldwide Training Manager at Bernhards, as a Product Specialist covering the South East region of the UK as well as supporting their dealer network in the Benelux region.

After eight years with the US grinder manufacturer and eight in his previous position as service manager for a south east based Toro dealer, Ben (38) has gained enormous experience working with grounds professionals and greenkeepers in both the private and public sectors of the groundscare industry.

In addition to delivering sales and training of the extensive range of equipment available from Campeys, Ben will also be promoting the benefits and advantages of natural turf in sport through seminars and open days.

Richard Campey is delighted to welcome Ben on board. “A successful business relies on the quality of its sales and service team. We are fortunate to have an exceptionally high standard of people and with Ben’s background; he will fit in just right.”

Ben takes up his new position at the beginning of August, 2015 and can be contacted on mobile: 07753 453 944 or email:

He will be responsible for selling equipment from some of the most respected grounds care machinery manufacturers in the world including Dakota, Imants, Koro, Raycam, Vredo, Votex, VGR and GT Air 2G2 injector.

Campey Turf Care Systems

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Richard Campey and new Product Specialist Ben Taylor (right)
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