Global Edition

Club Managers Celebrate Success at Awards Ceremony

1.45am 8th April 2013 - People - This story was updated on Friday, April 12th, 2013

Pictured are all the graduates being presented with their qualification by Gregg Patterson, The Beach Club, Santa Monica, California, who is a renowned world speaker on all aspects of club management. John Donnelly, Balbirnie Park Golf Club, John Bryceland, Dullatur Golf Club, Tom Cummings, Kirkintilloch Golf Club, Paul Arthur, PGA Professional, Canmore Golf Club, Gary Abel, Elgin Golf Club, Anne Burnside, Cowglen Golf Club, Alan Rodger, Hirsel Golf Club, John Kemp – S.G.U. Club Development Officer, Claire Middleton – S.G.U. Club Development Officer, Jackie Davidson - Clubgolf Scotland Manager
Pictured are all the graduates being presented with their qualification by Gregg Patterson, The Beach Club, Santa Monica, California, who is a renowned world speaker on all aspects of club management.
John Donnelly, Balbirnie Park Golf Club, John Bryceland, Dullatur Golf Club, Tom Cummings, Kirkintilloch Golf Club, Paul Arthur, PGA Professional, Canmore Golf Club, Gary Abel, Elgin Golf Club, Anne Burnside, Cowglen Golf Club, Alan Rodger, Hirsel Golf Club, John Kemp – S.G.U. Club Development Officer, Claire Middleton – S.G.U. Club Development Officer, Jackie Davidson – Clubgolf Scotland Manager

A number of Golf Club Managers recently tasted success but this time it was something that took place off the course that was the reason for their celebrations.

Ten Club Managers were awarded with a Diploma in Club Management at an Awards Ceremony held at Stirling recently. On the night Gregg Patterson, The Beach Club, Santa Monica, California was the special guest who presented these managers with their certificates.

Speaking about the course, Kevin Fish, Scottish Golf Union Club Development Manager (who himself holds the Certified Club Manager qualification) said: “It is my pleasure as Chairman of the Education Policy Board for the Club Managers’ Association of Europe to congratulate all the graduates. They are part of an elite group and one of the first in Europe to achieve and be recognized in this way, and I congratulate them and their Clubs for their insight and determination in achieving this award.”

Kevin continued: “I hope one day that every club will insist that the senior member of staff at their club has this new qualification. In club management, the CMAE believes that all club managers should participate actively in education programmes as they will learn more about their job, how to solve problems and develop the club’s business, status or reputation, to the benefit of both the manager and the club that employs them.”

The Diploma, is a joint initiative between the Scottish Golf Union (S.G.U.) and the Club Managers Association of Europe (C.M.A.E.). and covers a number of core competencies which a modern golf club manager needs to be aware of in their day to day job. The course is externally verified by ElmwoodCollege and allows club managers to work towards the Certified Club Manager qualification.

Speaking about his qualification one of the graduates John Donnelly, Club Secretary at Balbirnie Park Golf Club said “I am extremely proud to be one of the first Club Secretaries in Scotland to achieve this qualification. My club have been very supportive of me going for this qualification and I have already put into practice many aspects relating to the Diplomas Curriculum”.

John continued “I hope to go on to complete my Certified Club Managers Qualification shortly which would be a great achievement for me personally and also for Balbirnie Park Golf Club.”

The Scottish Region CMAE is working with Scottish Enterprise to provide 1-day seminars on Social Media for Clubs in May and have further seminars to be held in September and December. For further information on the Scottish Region CMAE and its programs please contact John Duncan email:


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