Elite player coach and PGA level 4 Professional Alex Saary believes the ‘Bryson Factor’ is responsible for the huge surge in interest in his specialist coaching services over recent months. As the only U.K. coach trained in the use of the MACH 3 speed training system, Alex works with elite amateurs, professionals and their coaches to develop speed, flexibility and distance. But as more top level players see the way Bryson DeChambeau has transformed his game Alex has seen a surge in demand for his services that has led to him outgrowing his current facilities.
“The MACH 3 system is perfect for elite players as it builds co-ordination and efficiency of movement as well as speed. With so many elite players seeing Bryson’s distance, but also his control, I think the perception of big hitting is changing,” commented Alex. “The effect on my business has been huge, to the extent that I’m having to look for a new venue where I can invest in the right facilities that give elite golfers and coaches the best possible service.”
For the past three years Alex has used the MACH 3 system with many clients and their coaches to integrate increased speed into their game, including one of the rising stars of the Women’s England Team. In the two years that she has been using the MACH 3 system, the golfer who is just 16, has developed the fastest driver swing speed of any of the girls and women’s national squad players and her handicap has reduced to plus 4. This dual improvement is key to Alex’s work with MACH 3, as he continues.
“Throughout the history of the game the longest players have had an advantage, but only when they have combined it with control. The way Bryson has changed his physique and speed is amazing, but what impresses me most is the control he has at those speeds. The spotlight Bryson has shone on the potential for improvement through speed and distance has been a big boost for me and I hope that once I have found the right venue for my performance centre, I can share these benefits and many more elite golfers.”
Alex will be offering winter speed training programmes for elite golfers through the coming months along with a host of services including coach mentoring and bespoke performance programmes. For more information on Alex’s services please visit www.alexsaary.com and if you would like more information on Alex’s plans for developing his elite performance centre please email hello@alexsaary.com