Global Edition

BIGGA Appoints Learning & Development Manager – Technical

2.33pm 23rd July 2024 - People

The British & International Golf Greenkeepers Association (BIGGA) has appointed experienced turf educator and golf course manager Rob Phillips (pictured) as Learning & Development Manager – Technical, with responsibility for managing the technical elements of greenkeeper training in the UK.

Rob was previously head of land-based apprenticeships at Berkshire College of Agriculture and spent six years as a trainer, assessor and programme manager for greenkeeping apprenticeships. Prior to that he spent 30 years as a greenkeeper, including 21 years as course manager at Sandy Lodge Golf Club in Middlesex. Rob is also an independent end point assessor for the certification awarding bodies City & Guilds and LANTRA.

The GTC is the employers’ organisation for the golf industry that controls greenkeeper education standards, ensuring training provision is consistent and regulated across the UK. In the role of Learning & Development Manager – Technical, Rob will be responsible for delivering the requirements of The GTC under their service level agreement with BIGGA. He will liaise with training providers and also seek to implement BIGGA’s innovative accreditation strategy.

As part of BIGGA’s Learning & Development department, Rob will work alongside the existing team in their mission to enhance the association’s various educational initiatives, the continuing professional development scheme and the wider efforts to attract people to the industry.

BIGGA CEO Jim Croxton said: “With almost 40 years’ experience, including seven years focusing on the training of student greenkeepers, Rob was the outstanding candidate for this position and we’re delighted he has joined the association.

“As the landscape becomes more challenging for turf professionals in the face of climate change, resource availability and suchlike, it is vital that greenkeeper training develops apace and adapts to reflect the requirements of a modern turf maintenance workforce.

“Rob’s expertise and passion for the industry means he will have a key role to play and I look forward to working with him moving forwards.”

For more information about The GTC visit

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