Intuitive Edge have now been in business for five years, expanding 150% year on year. Their credo is that managing a golf club is a 25 hour a day 8 days a week workload and many managers haven’t the time or resources to investigate the comparatively new world of online marketing. Managers have their hands full with the time-honoured skills needed; drainage and soil management, pests and people, F+B and retail. This is hard-earned expertise which, once learned, can be used over and again with confidence.
But marketing has changed, and continues to change, thanks to digital innovation. And golf is reaping the benefits.
OUT go quarter page ads in the local paper, flyers and radio campaigns.
IN comes Facebook, Instagram, Google, and SMS.
The success stories coming out of Intuitive Edge illustrate that the people golf managers want to reach can be reached on their phones, tablets and laptops. It’s not just the kids who are on the net, there’s an army of all-agers right up to silver surfers waiting to click on the good news about their local golf club’s latest deals and promotions. Online marketing allows the golf manager to choose their target audience;
Harry Boyd again; “For example, suppose a manager tells us they want to boost their membership in a certain demography. We help shape a marketing support package and are then able to micro-target the ad campaign so that it only appears to say; men aged 28-42 who like sport, are in work, and live within 15 miles of the club. Or women aged 50 whose interests include keeping fit. This is a simplified version, but you get the idea.
“See here for some interesting numbers;”
Intuitive Edge’s success stories outline how they’ve worked with golf clubs to generate up to £179,390 in membership revenue, £11,585 in society revenue, £5,094 in green fee revenue, plus more.
Working with clubs ranging from small 9-holes to European Tour venues, they pledge that no golf club is too big and no club too small.
With many golf clubs currently setting their 2020 budget, it’s clear that fresh and unique online marketing initiatives are the way to attract the low hanging fruit of local golfers just waiting to choose your club.