Greenkeepers can now get their hands on the new turf fungicide, that has been developed to treat for Microdochium Patch and Dollar Spot. Exteris™ Stressgard®, was launched by Bayer at BTME this January, and is now available to purchase from exclusive distributors, Headland Amenity and Rigby Taylor.
“Over 10 years of development, and analysis of more than 100,000 potential active ingredients has gone into the new fungicide, that’s been specifically engineered and optimised for turfgrass using Stressgard® Formulation Technology,” says Neil Pettican, Bayer head of sales.
“Exteris™ Stressgard® adds another tool to the greenkeepers diminishing armoury, it contains a new active ingredient (Fluopyram) and is part of a totally new chemical group (SDHI). It should play a vital role in the greenkeeper’s disease management strategy, to help reduce the chances of resistance occurring.”
Neil explains that, in bringing Exteris™ Stressgard® to the market, Bayer and its partners have undertaken a number of independent UK based trials.
“We’ve been really impressed by the results so far. One particular trial, undertaken during the heavy disease pressure experienced in the UK in late 2016, displayed outstanding results for the treatment of Microdochium Patch. Trial plots treated with Exteris™ Stressgard® experienced a maximum of 5% disease activity whilst the plots that were untreated displayed up to 75% disease activity.”
To find out more about the latest innovation in turf disease management please visit:, or exclusive distributors, Headland Amenity and Rigby Taylor