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Campey gets British patents on Universe Rotor

10.38am 1st December 2015 - New Products

Universe Rotor
Universe Rotor

British Patents have been granted for Campey Turf Care Systems Universe® Rotor for its unique action with the Koro Field TopMaker (FTM) as a maintenance and renovation tool on DESSO GrassMaster® and natural grass surfaces.

The Universe® Rotor for the Koro Field Top Maker was initially developed for the annual renovation of DESSO GrassMaster® playing surfaces, where it can clean out 100% of the organic matter build up on a pitch in four hours in one pass. The British patents are in recognition of the unique action of the Universe® Rotor which is unlike any other and worldwide patents are currently pending approval.

Patents have also been granted for the rotor design by Imants and for its unique work on warm season Bermuda grass surfaces covering sports pitches, golf greens and fairways. Studies of its use have shown excellent removal of surface debris resulting in a renewed clean playing surface within 21 days.

In UK and Europe where Poa Annua is present in the playing surfaces and beginning to take over, the Universe ® rotor has again been used to maximum effect when fitted with the Finesse™ blades.

By setting the rotor to a precise depth, with the micro adjusters on the Koro FTM, it is possible to grub out the poa plant, leaving all of the deep rooted good grasses.  With a light top-dressing and overseed with a Vredo seeder these surfaces can be playable again within three weeks, and most importantly they will be poa free.

The Universe® rotor was recently displayed at SALTEX and will be showcased at the forthcoming BTME in Harrogate, the Golf Industry Show (GIS) in San Diego and Sports Turf Management Association (STMA) in San Diego, and the Turf grass Producers International (TPI) in Texas 2016.

Campey Turf Care Systems

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