‘Dr. Divot’s Guide to Golf Injuries – A Handbook for Golf Injury Prevention and Treatment‘ was launched at last month’s PGA Merchandise Show. Dr Divot (aka Larry Foster MD, FAAOS) said, “I was very pleased by the positive response I received from hundreds of PGA and LPGA professionals. They were genuinely excited to have a learning resource for this important but neglected golf topic. I think the amateur golfing public, too, will find the book to be a fun and easy-to-read book that is good for golfers–and good for golf.”
Three out of five golfers suffer an injury at some time in their golfing careers and the percentage is even higher among golfers over 50. Most people don‘t realise what an enormous stress the golf swing puts upon the human body – stress that can cause long-lasting, even permanent injuries from the neck to the feet and every part of the body in between.
That’s why Dr Larry Foster, a board-certified orthopaedic surgeon – whose enthusiasm for golf has earned him the nickname ‘Dr Divot‘ – has written his book, a comprehensive guide to prevention and treatment of the most common golf injuries.
Dr Foster has combined his own extensive experience as an orthopaedic surgeon with comprehensive reading of the scientific and medical literature that is replete with articles detailing the cause and prevention of muscular-skeletal damage due to the golf swing. ‘Dr Divot‘ translates this literature with clarity and humour.
To this professional overview he has added his own knowledge of golf and golfers to produce a book that provides authoritative medical expertise. And he has put it into language that makes it easy for the golfer to understand in terms of his or her own situation.
The book details almost every kind of orthopaedic golfing affliction resulting from trauma to specific areas of the body (including the back, elbow, shoulder and knee). It also covers those with special sports medicine needs such as golfers over the age of 50. Additionally it addresses the particular considerations of athletes recuperating from shoulder or knee surgery or total joint replacement.
Just as important are the book’s sections on injury prevention. ‘Dr Divot‘ teaches the reader how such factors as poor conditioning, lack of proper warm up and faulty swing mechanics can lead to painful strains, sprains, tendonitis and even fractures. He tells the reader exactly what to do to avoid them.
Ailing golfers also have access to ‘Dr Divot‘s‘ expert advice on a new website www.DoctorDivotMD.com.
‘Dr. Divot’s Guide to Golf Injuries – A Handbook for Golf Injury Prevention and Treatment‘‘ can be purchased in bookstores or by sending $19.95 (plus $4.95 shipping and handling) to Doctor Divot Publishing Inc, PO Box 436, North Salem, NY 10560. (toll-free ordering line 800-247-6553) or on www.doctordivotmd.com ISBN 0-9747315-4-4 published by Doctor Divot Publishing Inc. 240 pages, indexed, 75 illustrations, paperback