‘Golf Rules Illustrated 2008’ contains every Rule in the game, including all new and revised additions valid to the end of 2011.
It begins with the recommendation that even if you do not read the book from cover to cover you should at least read the section entitled “A Quick Guide to the Rules of Golf” and the section about Etiquette. Since these are, respectively, four pages and two and a half pages long, that request does not seem unreasonable.
This is the thirteenth edition of the book and through its use of many photographs, drawings and descriptions of actual incidents in tournament golf, no matter what their level of playing ability, it will help every reader to a better understanding of the laws of the game.
With quick guides to golf Rules, FAQ’s and over 100 illustrations, this clear, detailed book allows the reader to come to grips with even the most difficult situations.
Decisions on the Rules of Golf 2008-9
by The R&A Published by Hamlyn 562 pp plus index of 126 pp £14.99 paperback
Whilst many claim to know the Rules of Golf, the fact is that every year Golf’s governing bodies receive thousands of inquiries about how to apply these Rules to the actual game.
‘Decisions on the Rules of Golf 2008’ clarifies all the ambiguities arising from the Rules and allows the reader to interpret them correctly. The book includes all new and revised decisions made by the R&A’s Ruling Committee and the USGA, valid until the end of 2009. It is considered an essential reference book for all those involved in the administration of the game.
The 2008-2009 Decisions book assists in the interpretation and clarification of the Rules and it includes the new Rules effective from 1st January 2008. Containing over 1,200 question and answer style Decisions, the 2008-2009 edition includes 37 new Decisions and 59 Decisions that have been substantively revised. In addition, another 133 Decisions have been revised, either to take account of the Rules changes or to provide greater clarity.
The R&A state that, in due course, a fully searchable application of the Decisions book will be available online.
These books are available through bookshops and direct from the R&A www.RandA.org