Croatia’s national television company, HRT, visited East Berkshire Golf Club last month to meet with SGD’s Howard Swan and discuss golf as ‘a way of life’.
Working alongside the Bernhard Vrban from the British Embassy in Zagreb, HRT’s Jasna Paro toured the golf course and conducted interviews with Howard and Brand Architect Jonathan Barker as well as several East Berkshire members about how the traditions of the game fit within the modern business of golf here in the UK.
The interviews will form part of a TV programme aimed at demonstrating the potential benefits of golf’s development in Croatia, which currently has only three recognised golf courses.
It is hoped that the local population will begin to show more interest in the game, and that future growth of golf can be based upon domestic participation as well as international tourism.
SGD are one of very few design companies to have successfully completed projects in Croatia, where golf development has failed to progress as predicted due to the complexities of local planning and land ownership systems.
Swan Golf Designs Limited www.swangolfdesigns.com