“The number one complaint of golfers is they don’t have time to play as much golf as they’d like,” says Hunter Ranch General Manager, John Carson. “We want golfers to play when they can, as much as they can, even if it is not 18 or even 9 holes. The Quick.golf web app tells golfers when we have Quick.golf available, and all they have to do is show up and play a few holes. They are charged only for the holes they play, all done through the app just like Uber or Lyft. It is very cool and convenient.”
Go to http://www.hunterranchgolf.com/golf-course/quick-golf-a-new-way-to-play to learn more and register – it is free. When opened, Quick.golf will display whether Quick.golf is open for play right now. Check in at the golf shop, show them the web app on your smartphone, and go out and play as many holes as you can, or want.
“We’ll make Quick.golf available at different times, depending on our regular tee time patterns,” Carson continues. “It could be the last couple of hours of the day, or during the lunch period, or first thing in the morning. The web app will tell you when you can come out and play a few holes. It’s that easy – it’s a new way to play. Every golfer is invited to come out and try it.
Hunter Ranch Golf Course www.hunterranchgolf.com
Quick Golf https://quick.golf/