Global Edition

Greenkeepers attend Joint ICL and Syngenta Education Day at Royal Birkdale 

6.08pm 15th July 2024 - Greenkeeping & Agronomy

Greenkeepers recently attended a joint ICL and Syngenta Education Day at Royal Birkdale Golf Club where the agenda included a course walk led by course manager Sean McLean, which gave attendees the opportunity to see the preparations that are already underway for The Open Championship in 2026.

The event also featured several key presentations focused on essential topics for turf management.

Turf agronomist Henry Bechelet, ICL’s Technical Manager, presented on the benefits of controlled release fertilisers (CRFs). He explained how CRFs improve turf health and sustainability through precise nutrient delivery, ensuring that the turf receives essential nutrients at the right time and in the right quantities.

Glenn Kirby, Technical Manager for EAME Sports Turf and Landscape at Syngenta, led a discussion on managing Dollar Spot. He highlighted effective strategies and the AIM strategy for integrated disease control, providing greenkeepers with valuable insights into combating this persistent turf disease.

Rob Ainscough, Technical Area Sales Manager from ICL, discussed the benefits of Turf Rewards. He explained how greenkeepers can earn points by purchasing qualifying ICL and Syngenta products. These points can then be redeemed for a wide array of rewards, including the latest turf care technology and professional development courses for their team.

The Education Day at Royal Birkdale provided greenkeepers with practical insights and strategies to improve turf management. Attendees left with a better understanding of disease control, fertilisation techniques, and industry best practices, ready to apply these learnings to their own courses.

For more details, visit or if you are in Ireland.

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