Exhibiting at the show under their SNAG® – ‘Starting New At Golf’ – brand and European Golf their Sister Company, IGD found the exhibition very valuable, not only from the point of business contacts generated, but also the number of children that were able to visit the exhibition stands and enjoy the SNAG coaching experience.
During the show, over 800 boys girls and adults were coached utilising the innovative SNAG equipment and techniques, hitting somewhere in the region of 10,000 SNAG balls.
James Healey, MD of International Golf Development commented: “Measuring the success of attending an exhibition isn’t always easy. However, we believe, that on this occasion, every way we look at it, we feel we made major achievements – stand footfall was excellent, participation in the SNAG coaching was enjoyed by all and most importantly many new people experienced ‘Starting New At Golf’ for the first and hopefully not the last time.”
An additional piece of intrigue was generated by the ‘Who is the SNAG?’ competition run throughout the weekend. The lucky winner, who guessed correctly that it was IGD’s own recently appointed Head of Training, Scott Cranfield, was Mr D Drennan.