Global Edition

PGAs of Europe Partner Family Join for 2017 Business Club

4.35pm 30th May 2017 - Corporate

Representatives from across the PGAs of Europe’s Corporate Partner family at Foxhills Club & Resort

Foxhills Club & Resort in Surrey, UK, was the venue for the 2017 edition of the PGAs of Europe Business Club, bringing together representatives from across the Association’s Corporate Partner family.

The Business Club is an opportunity to bring together the varied Partners that support the PGAs of Europe in its work, giving them a chance to network amongst each other, discuss ideas and share commercial and collaborative opportunities.

Being able to bring Partners together in this unique group allows the Association to gain feedback about the commercial opportunities a partnership with the PGAs of Europe gives, whilst also discussing topics such as potential golf development initiatives, how to leverage the variety of data gathered by the Association in an intelligent and targeted way, along with cross-partner collaboration opportunities.

“It’s been nice to meet everybody face-to-face to talk on an informal basis and learn what the other organisations look for and where we can potentially work together,” said said Lars-Hendrik Pirck, CEO of ORGAHEAD Consulting Trading GmbH, distributors for U.S. Kids Golf.

“The Partners represent various areas of the industry so it’s great to hear different ideas and initiatives and what everybody’s doing,” explained Dan Killen, International Business Development Manager, SNAG Golf / GSA Golfsports GmbH.

“It’s been great to catch up with some old faces and some new ones – as the PGAs of Europe bring more Partners on, there are more and more opportunities for us as well,” added Managing Director of Golfbidder, Liam Robb.

“This is the third continuous year that we’ve operated the Business Club with our Partners and the feedback about the event has been excellent,” said PGAs of Europe Chief Executive, Ian Randell.  “We are very lucky to have such a fantastic group of Partners that support us so much in our work to advance golf, golfers and the golf profession.

“Bringing the Partners together in one room makes such a difference in terms of the feedback we can gather, and also the flow of ideas and discussions make it hugely valuable for both us as an Association but also for the Partners themselves.  A relaxed and informal atmosphere, dinner with new friends and old, and some golf at the fantastic Foxhills Club in there as well made for a wonderful couple of days.”

PGAs of Europe

Representatives from across the PGAs of Europe’s Corporate Partner family at Foxhills Club & Resort
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