Global Edition

PGA Gets Message Across

12.22pm 19th November 2014 - Corporate

David Colclough
David Colclough

The PGA is striving hard to promote its members through a series of seminars with key stakeholders in golf clubs.

And the campaign has received a boost after glowing feedback from a recent presentation at the Scottish Golf Club Level 1 Management Development Programme for Managers.

David Colclough, The PGA’s head of member education, addressed more than 25 delegates in Stirling on the skills and benefits PGA Professionals bring to golf facilities.

His talk entitled the ‘modern golf professional’ explained how PGA pros should be the lynchpin of any club in terms of growing and retaining members, engaging members and increasing revenue across all aspects of the business.

It all ties in with the PGA’s rainmaker philosophy, developed in partnership with retail expert Ian James, and which places the PGA pro at the heart of golf with a pivotal role in making clubs a success.

Colclough’s seminar struck a chord with club managers who were asked to provide comments and rate the information.

The results revealed how many golf clubs are underestimating the value of PGA Professionals.

Among the comments coming back were the following:

In addition to speaking to more than 100 club managers in similar seminars over the past few years The PGA is reaching out to club managers through its team of BROs (Business Relationship Officers) and its strategic relationships in the golf industry including with bodies such as the GCMA (Golf Club Managers Association), BIGGA (British & International Golf Greenkeepers Association) and UKGCOA (United Kingdom Golf Course Owners Association).

Colclough commented: “The PGA is working hard on behalf of its members to engage with golf clubs and highlight the role that PGA Professionals can play in making clubs successful in what is a challenging time for many.

“It was a great opportunity at Stirling to speak to club managers through the CMAE and have the opportunity to get that message across. It was also pleasing to get such a positive response and highlights the importance of keep getting the message across.
“PGA Professionals have a very important role to play working alongside clubs and golf managers with a shared aim of trying to promote and grow the game.”

Kevin Fish, Scottish Golf’s club development manager and facilitator for the seminar, added: “Some of these comments clearly indicate a need for a closer liaison/relationship between the club committee (decision makers) and golf pro at clubs, and to tackle this The PGA is working with the SGU/SLGA to create a short half day seminar on how to maximise the return from your PGA pro.”

Visit for the latest PGA News and tournament information.

David Colclough
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