When specifying grass seed for use in a particular project, it is vital the correct mixture is used in order to ensure a quality appearance for the finished area. .
A new section on the website is dedicated to architects and specifiers and offers easy to follow guidance to ensure that they can choose the right product for their needs.
The unique, interactive flow chart helps specifiers to find the ideal product to suit their requirement. Starting with the type of product – this section also offers expert advice on fertilisers and wildflower mixture – the chart leads the user through the type of application for which the seed is sought, before defining their precise requirements and recommending the optimum seed mixture from the British Seed Houses amenity range. A link to the product information then furnishes all the vital details, including a clever calculator so that exactly the right amount can be ordered.
With a click of the mouse, the ideal mixture for the project is selected and secured online, ensuring the quality seed mixtures which will see turf establishment through to a successful conclusion.
British Seed Houses www.bshamenity.com