Renowned grinder manufacturer Foley United UK held a successful Reel Science and Optimum Cut Technology seminar at The Grove Golf Club late last month. The day was organised by ProSport UK Ltd Managing Director Ian Robson and Regional BIGGA committee member, Adam McColl, course superintendent of Gerards Cross Golf Club. The event was hosted by The Grove course superintendent Phil Chiverton.
Greg Turner, Global Sales Manager for Foley United with support from Arjen Spek, Foley’s European Manager, delivered the seminar which is designed for course managers, head greenkeepers and technicians and centres on providing critical knowledge, backed up with technical studies and verified data on grinding research at the highest level.
Greg explains the thinking behind the presentation. “Investment in cutting equipment ranges from £15K to in excess of £40k, so we look at evaluating the grinding practices that will protect your investment and provide optimum returns. We evaluate the best grinding techniques for new grass strains and how minor changes in workshop grinding practices can have a direct impact on your machinery and agronomic investment decisions.
The Reel Science and Optimum Cut Technology seminar is approved for BIGGA CPDs and GCSAA CEUs. Foley United has conducted these accredited training sessions worldwide.
The Grove was the first club in the UK to have the top of the range Foley 653 fully automatic reel grinder and the 673 bed knife grinder the first in the UK. Both were installed in time for the recent British Masters and provided the seminar attendees with an excellent opportunity to see the latest technology in action. Jonathan Taylor Head Greenkeeper was on hand while Head Mechanic Neil Corley and Assistant Chris Sudeka put the machines through their paces.
Reaction to the seminar from attendees was enthusiastic across the board and as Sam Evans representing Fullwell GC said “We have been given a different perspective on grinding today, particularly in relation to increasing the longevity of staying on cut. It was impressive. I can really relate what I have seen and heard to our own practices and can see some definite benefits.”
Jason Horwood from West Hertfordshire GC agreed “It has been very worthwhile and given us some excellent information which we can incorporate into our current grinding schedules to improve the performance of our cutting equipment.”
“It has been a fantastic day” concluded Adam McColl “A brilliant venue and the seminar delivered factual content with scientific data to back it up. I have always been a fan of relief grinding, and the facts as they have been presented, confirm that to be the right choice. I would like to thank all those who attended and Greg Turner in particular for taking time to travel to the UK to deliver an excellent seminar.”
ProSport UK www.prosportukltd.com