Nearly half (48%) of a nationwide sample of more than 1,100 women say that award-winning Galvin Green is their preferred choice of a new waterproof outfit this year – more than twice as popular as the nearest rival brand on 19%.
The majority of female golfers surveyed (78%) think that brand name is an important factor in selecting golf clothing and many (46%) now look out for a specific brand – with Galvin coming out on top.
“We are absolutely delighted that our waterproofs are so well regarded by lady golfers,” said Mike Johnson-Hill, Managing Director of Galvin Green UK. “The female market remains a key area of focus for us, both in terms of waterproofs and our other golf clothing lines, so the survey results are very encouraging.”
More than two-thirds of those surveyed (67%) believe that products with hi-tech fabrics are most desirable, ahead of matching garments (48%), while half rate style as a very important ingredient in golf clothing.
But, however stylish the garment looks, half of female golfers believe it must perform well. The same number view price as only fairly important, as long as performance is guaranteed.
Of those sampled, a high percentage (85%) play more than 30 rounds of golf a year and the majority (52%) have a handicap between 10 and 20. Most of the female respondents (40%) usually play in cold and windy conditions, while nearly a third (30%) are accustomed to playing in rainy weather of one kind of another.
Galvin Green